Chambers, Talbot W. The noon prayer meeting of the North Dutch Church Fulton Street New York

(New York :  Board of Publ. of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church,  1858.)



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  Page 91  


%\ii itote |0M P^rag.

Allusion has been made to various meetings for
prayer, instituted and maintained after the pattern of
the original one, with greater or less constancy and
success, in other parts of the city. It does not fall
within the design of this work to notice these par¬
ticularly. But one of them is deserving of especial
notice as being a direct branch of the parent meet¬
ing, and a part of the missionary operations of the

ISTorth Dutch  Church.    This is the   Globe   Hotel



In 1767, the German Lutherans of ISTew York
erected a substantial stone edifice on the corner of
Frankfort and William streets, which was long occu¬
pied by them and known as the "Swamp Church."
In 1831 the building passed into the hands of the
colored Presbyterians, by whom, several years after,
it was sold to parties who converted it, first into a
livery stable, and then into an auction room.    Six
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