Ganong, William Francis, Additions and corrections to Monographs on the place-nomenclature cartography historic sites boundaries and settlement-origins of the province of New Brunswick

(Ottawa :  J. Hope & Sons,  1906.)



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Table of Contents

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Section II., 1906.                                   [ 8 J                                  Trans. R. S. C.

I.—Additions and Correciions to Monographs on the Place-nomenclature,
Cartography, Historic Sites, Boundaries and Settlement-
origins of the Province of New Brunswich.

(Contributions to the History of New Brunswick, No.  7.)

By W. F. Ganong, M.A., Ph.D.

(Communicated by Dr. S. E. Dawson.)

I.—Additions  and  Corrections  to  the  Plan for a General  History of New

11.—^Additions and Corrections to the Monograph on Place-nomenclature.    ^
IHr-g::45ditions and Corrections to the Monograph on'Cartography.
IV.—^Additions arTd-Coxrecfions to the Monograph on Historic Sites.

V.—^Additions and Corrections to the-MQnograph on Evolution of Boundaries.

VI.—^Additions an^d Corrections to the Monograph on "^Settle^ent-Origins.
Title-page and Contents to the series.

The five monograplis of this series were designed to cover the
hifetorical geography of IsTew Brunswick, and in plan at least they
dc» so. The organization given the respective subjects by their publica¬
tion has had the result not only of directing my own studies further,
but also of bringing much additional information from correspondents.
Thus a large amount of new material and some corrections have come
into my hands, and it is the object of this work to present them, and
in such a way that all items may be referred to their proper places
in the respective monographs. A title-page, preface and table of
contents to the entire series is added at the end of this paper.
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