Annual report of the Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York (1885)

(New York, N.Y. :  [s.n.]  )



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Eeport of tie EesiJeDt Pipian at Castle GarleB

FOR   THE   YEAR   ENDING   DECEMBER   31ST,   1885.

Castle Garden Hospital, )
January ist, 1SS6.         \

H. J. Jackson, Esq.,


Sir:—I have the honor to submit to you the following report for the
year 1885.

The number of sick and destitute emigrants sent to Ward's
Island, including the passengers of the steamships *' Weser "
and ** Polynesia," which were quarantined on acccunt of
small-pox breaking out during the month of June..........     3,694

The number of patients who were treated in the " Temporary

Hospital *' for terms varying from one day to two weeks ....        547

The number of dispensary patients treated and who were fur¬
nished medicines......................................     2,190

The number of deaths that occurred in the " Temporary Hos-
ital " during the year...................................          25

The number of deaths at sea and brought to Castle Garden for

interment on Ward's Island.............................          17

The number of deaths occurring in the emigrant boarding-
houses and transferred to Ward's Island for burial.........           7

The number of births during the year......................           9

Still-born ..............................................           2

Respectfully submitted,


Resident Physician.
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