Valentine's manual of old New York

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1920.)



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  Page 61  


at the time both past sixty, could, despite the far dif¬
ferent lines along which their lives ran and the great dis¬
tances which for so many years separated them, have thus
cordially kept up their relationship in the same spirit of
affection that animated them in the early days when they
were looked upon as the merriest of young fellows in the
little City of New York.

The letters are an assured testimonial to the fineness of
nature of the two men. It is the privilege of Henry Bre¬
voort to have his memory recalled in these later genera¬
tions on the ground of the friendship for him of Wash¬
ington Irving.

Mount Roosevelt—A Memorial

Within sight of the country over which Theodore
Roosevelt as a young man ranged his cattle and hunted
wild game and just above the trails he followed while a
visitor in this district, a mountain—one of the most lofty
peaks in the Black Hills—became Mount Theodore
Roosevelt, on July 4, in honor of the former President
of the United States, "The Great American." Two tab¬
lets were unveiled.

The movement to provide the memorial had its incep¬
tion at a meeting of the Society of Black Hills Pioneers
last January, when a suggestion of Captain Seth Bullock
to change the name of Sheep Mountain to that of Mount
Theodore Roosevelt was adopted.

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