Valentine's manual of old New York

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1920.)



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  Page 64  

Notable Restorations

Wall Street North and South Sides, from Broadway to William
Street, as It Appeared Before the Great Fire of 1835

Fifth Avenue from 38th to 42nd Streets About 1880

With this number the Manual presents what it con¬
siders its most important work for old New York in a
series of Restorations, and for its first attempt has se¬
lected Wall Street. In this drawing of Wall Street we
have been fortunately able to achieve a degree of his¬
torical accuracy which is of great value in a record of
this kind and which we hope to maintain as the work

Certain unusual circumstances contributed to the result
in this particular instance. First and foremost must be
regarded the complete outline of the buildings sketched
by Hugh Reinagle in the margin of the now famous
"View of Wall Street looking East from Trinity Church"
and Hthographed by Peter Maverick, Jr. "The drawing
for this lithograph," says Mr. Phelps Stokes, "must have
been made between 1827 and 1834 and is a most inter¬
esting view of the period." With this as a foundation,
other contemporary drawings were consulted. Wall
Street has always enjoyed a measure of popularity
among artists and writers unique among streets, which
has resulted in making its records singularly full and
complete. So in addition to Reinagle and Maverick, we
have three other well-known artists—Burton, Fay and
A. J. Davis—all of whose work ranks deservedly high,
and each of whom contributed one or more buildings in
this street to the existing collection. With the additional
aid of contemporary maps, plans and other data, it is not
at all unlikely that the restoration we present is for all

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