Valentine's manual of old New York

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1920.)



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  Page 97  


Remove the Post Office and Court House from
City Hall Park!

A Plan for an Appropriate Monument to the
Liberty Boys of 1918

In the first issue of this publication, attention was
called to the neglect of the City Fathers to print the
Minutes of the Common Council from 1784 to 1831—a
most interesting period—and to the great importance of
getting this valuable manuscript in printed form. The
editorial was acknowledged by Bertram de Cruger writ¬
ing for the Mayor, and soon after a committee was ap¬
pointed by the late Mayor Mitchel and the result is that
this work is now well toward completion. We were
happy in being the humble instruments whereby so great
an achievement was accomplished. Much work had
previously been done in the same direction and perhaps
we assume too much in claiming the whole credit. Nev¬
ertheless ours was the final touch that tipped the scale in
the right direction.

And now a similar situation presents itself and a
similar opportunity to render our city a great service is
at hand. We refer to the removal of the Post Office and
Court House from the City Llall Park.

It is quite reasonable to say that practically every
citizen who really cares for New York is sick of the sight
of these two eyesores on what is one of the few breathing
spots in the crowded down-town district. And not one
of us but would rejoice to see the old Park restored to
its original graceful proportions of Colonial times. Many
committees have already attempted to solve this problem
but to no avail. In taking up the matter at this time
we have the benefit of all the splendid work that has gone

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