Valentine's manual of old New York

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1920.)



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prisons, much more than had been agreed on. And the
founders of "The Century" (and "St. Nicholas" was
added to the enterprise in 1873) were fortunate in some
of their helpers; especially Richard Watson Gilder and
Alexander W. Drake, who lifted high the banner of good
American art and kept it high for the forty years that
they were privileged to work together.
But that is another story and a later one.

New York City

William F. Kirk

"Oi loike New York," said Pat O'Brien,
"Because so many frinds av moine
Have come here from the dear ould sod
To fale no more the tyrant's rod.
Sure 'tis a blissed town av rist—
Av all great towns Oi luv it bist!"
"Ya, dot iss so," said Adolph Schwenck.
"Ay tenk so, tu!" said Olaf Brenk.

"I likes New York," said Adoli)h .Schwenck,

"I puts dot money in dot benk,

Und efifer in dot, understandt,

Dan effer in dot Fadeflandt.

Berlin iss great, und back I go,

But only for a visit, so!"

Said Olaf Brenk, "New York ban fine!"

"Faith, and it is !" said Pat O'Brien.

"Ay lak New York," said Olaf Brenk,

"It ban best town in vurld, Ay tenk!

Ef yu skol yomp around and try

Yu got gude chance for going high.

Stockholm ban fine, but Ay skol call

New York the yolliest town of all."

Said Adolph Schwenck, "Dem vords iss fine!"

"Faith and they are!" said Pat O'Brien.


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