Valentine's manual of old New York

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1920.)



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A Fire Engine that will deliver two Hogsheads of Water in a
Minute in a continual stream, is to be sold by William Lindsay
the Maker thereof. Enquire at Fighting Cocks, next door to the
Exchange Coffee-House, New York.—A^. Y. Gazette, March 29,

Moses Slaughter, Stay Maker from London, has brought with
him a Parcel of extraordinary good and Fashionable Stays of
his own making of several Sizes and Prices. The Work of them
he will warrant to be good, and for shape, inferiour to none that
are made.

He lodges at present at the House of William Bradford next
Door but one to the treasurer's near the Fly Market, where he
is ready to suit those that want, with extraordinary good Stays.
Or he is ready to wait upon any Ladys or Gentlewomen that
please to send for him to their Houses. If any desire to be
informed of the Work he has done let them enquire of Mrs.
ElHston in the Broad street, o% of Mrs. Nichols in the Broadway,
who have had his work.—ls[. Y. Gazette, Oct. 3, 1737.

Last week one of the Prize Vessels lately brought into this
Port and condemned; being refitted and very richly loden for
Boston, had the misfortune to be cast away in going through
Hellgate, and it is thought the Ship and Cargo will be intirely

lost.—Af. Y. Weekly Post Boy, Oct. 29, 1744.

We have had pretty much blustering, windy Weather, the Week
past which we apprehend has detained both the Elastern and
Western Post Riders, as neither of them are come in this Morn¬
ing;—and on Saturday last a Newark Shallop was drove ashore
on Oyster Island, in our Bay, and continued there all Day yes¬
terday, very much exposed to the Fury of the Wind, but we
can't tell whether she is damaged or not.—N. Y. Weekly Post
Boy, Dec. 11, 17S2.

Last Week arrived here a Company of Comedians from Phil¬
adelphia, who, we hear, have taken a convenient Room for their
Purpose in one of the Buildings lately belonging to the Honl.
Rip Van Dam, Esq., deceased, in Nassau street; where they in¬
tend to perform as long as the Sason lasts, provided they meet
with suitable Encouragement: For the time of their Beginning,
see the Advertisements.—N. Y. Weekly Post Boy, March 5, 1750.

Wednesday Evening last, departed this Life, Mr. Thomas Tar-
pey, a Native of Ireland, aged upwards of 100 years, formerly a
considerable Merchant in this City; but for many years in the
latter Part of his Life, liv'd retir'd: He was always accounted
a very upright honest Man.—^A''. Y. Weekly Post Boy, April 23,

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