Valentine's manual of old New York

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1920.)



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  Page 311  


ideals for which America entered the war. Another
resolution bearing on the subject of war memorials was
that containing the recommendation of the American
Federation of Arts to Congress that in the event that a
national cemetery for American soldiers should be estab¬
lished, the National Commission of Fine Arts be given
supervision as to both design and execution in regard
to this cemetery as a whole, and to all landscape, archi¬
tectural, and sculptural features in detail.

The morning session on Friday, May 16, was devoted
to the plans and purposes of the American Federation
of Arts, especially with regard to the development of
its work in connection with reconstruction. Robert W.
de Forest, President of the Federation, declared that it
was the intention of the Federation to inaugurate a
nation-wide campaign to make the advantages of
traveling collections, as well as other opportunities
which achieve the same end, available in small communi¬
ties that have no museums. Mr. de Forest favored the
establishment of small museums in connection with pub¬
lic libraries in all parts of the country. He likewise in¬
dicated various public services of the Federation, such
as placing of art on the free list in the tariff, the plac¬
ing of control over designs for honor medals in their
hands, etc.

The attendance, larger than ever before, indicated a
greater interest in the work of the Federation.

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