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(New York :  Bankers & Shippers Insurance Comany  )



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  1941: Page [2]  

Securities Owned December 31,1941


Par Value

$100,000      U.S.A. Treasury Notes, l?is, 3-15-42

100,000      U.S.A. Treasury Notes, 2s, 9-15-42

200,000      U.S.A. Treasury Notes, l?4s, 12-15-42

300,000      U.S.A. Treasury Notes, 1%S. 6-15-43

100,000      U.S.A. Treasury Notes, 1%S, 12-15-43

430,000      U.S.A. Treasury Bonds, S'As, 4-15-46/44

455,000      U.S.A. Treasury Bonds, 2%s, 12-15-45

425,000      U.S.A. Treasury Bonds, 3%s. 3-15-56/46

50,000      United States Savings Bonds, 2%s, 10-1-53

10,000      U.S.A. Treasury Bonds, 294s, 9-15-59/56


Par Value

t 12.000      City of Greensboro, N. C. reg'd 49is '42

10.000     City of Norfolk, Va. reg'd 6s '50

45.000      Bait. & Ohio, ref. "C" l^s '95 stpd.

25.000      Bait. & Ohio, ref. "F" Is '96 stpd.

10,000      Boston & Maine, 1st mtg. 4s '60

25,000      Boston & Maine, income 4'^s '70

25,000      Chi., Milw.. St. P. & Pac. "A" 6s '75

50,000      Chi.. R. I. & Pac. ref. 4s '34

50,000      Chi., T. H. & So. E.. ret. lis '60

60.000      New Orleans, Tex. & Mexico, income 5s '35

50,000      Kio Grande Western, cons. 48 '49

50.000      St. L. Iron Mtn. & So. (River & Gulf) 1st 4s '33 stpd.

100.000      St. Louis, San Fran., prior lien. "A" 4s '50 CD.

20,000      Southern Ry. dev. & gen. 4s '56

50,000      Columbia Gas & Elec. deb. 5s '52

12.000     New York Rys., prior lien "A" 6s '68 stpd.

20.000      Colorado Fuel & Iron, income 5s, '70

50.000      Consolidation Coal Co., s.f. 6s '60

50.000      International Paper, 1st ref. "A" & "B" 5s '47


C. V. Meserole, Chairman of the Board

L. R. BoijCDEN, Vice Chairman of the Board

A. E. Heacock, President

L. P. Tremaine, Vice President

S. G. Amerman, Vice President

R. S. Oellers, Vice President

A. R. Matthews, V ice President & Secretary

R. Cholmeli-y-Jones, Secretary

E. G. Crapser, Secretary

E. F. Hall, Secretary

C. R. Keep, Secretary

E. H. Ulrich, Secretary

E. T. Moynahan, Assistant Secretary
  1941: Page [2]