Annual report of the Board of Directors to the stockholders at their annual meeting ...

([New York] :  The Edision Electric Illuminating Co. of New York  )



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  1895: Page [5]  

New York, Feb.  ii,  1896.
To the Shareholders of

In presenting the figures for the past year, the Directors have
to note a continued increase in the business and prosperity of
the Company.

The results for the year ending December 31st, 1895, are :

Station earnings were...................$1,544,822  78

Operating expenses, including repairs and

renewals............................     541,051  27

Net earnings of stations.................$1,003,771  51

Earnings from other sources.............         18,955 4^

Income received from investments.......      111,453  21

$1,134,180  18
Less   general,   office,   technical   and   legal

expenses and taxes..................      218,421  44

Net earnings ofCompany......,........$   915,758  74

Note.—Interest on Bonds____$268,550 00

Dividends...........       76,209 50

^744,759 50
The returns of the business since 1890 have been .

GROSS.                      NET.

1890.....................%  488,59583           ^229,07880

1891......................     675,505 43             347,228 63

1892......................       963.021 25             475.^37 61

J893.....................   1,245,52487             605,64272

1894.......................   1,464,336 44             789,466 58

1895.......................   1,675,231 45             915,758 74

1891.           1892.            1S93.            1894.            1895.

No. of customers........  2,875           4,344           5,i54           5,877           6,675

No. of lamps, 16 c. p.   ..94,485        142,492        192,691        234,494       271,123

No. of motors,  h. p.....   2,000           3,807           5,529           7,616          12,046

No. arc lights...........      841            1,637            2,538           3,014           3,424
  1895: Page [5]