(New York, N.Y. :
Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company
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1948: Page 4
This shelter at the Journal Sii.
I u-as erected in response to public demand.
$150,000 net. Major mechanical difficulties in
the project for multiple car door control have
been surmounted, and the installation of the
equipment on the Company's rolling stock
should begin very soon, with a resultant saving
measurable in hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Journal Square, Jersey City, station of
the Hudson Tubes is in a deep excavation
through rock, and particularly in winter months
strong winds used to cause much discomfiture to
persons waiting for trains. In response to
popular demand the Company has erected on
the east-bound platform a large wood-and-glass
shelter, and the public reaction has been most
gratifying. .^___^
During the four day period February 10-13,
1949,an outlaw strike withdrewfrom service most
of the Company's station agents and gatemen.
Not long ago this would have meant
Turnstiles the complete end to all Company
revenue for the period of the strike.
Flowever, on June 6, 1948 the Company com¬
pleted its installation of 100 turnstiles at a total
cost of S81,497. This allowed the collection of
fares to continue in the absence of gatemen and
change agents: and revenue during the four days
before the strike was broken and the men re¬
turned to work amounted to $41,294. Thus in
the stretch of four days the turnstiles returned
to the Company over 50% of the total installa¬
tion cost.
The total number of passengers carried by
the railroad during the year 1948 was 66,286,830,
a decrease of 1,350,020 passengers (or 2%) from
the 1947 total of 67,636,850. This
Passenger decrease, particularly evident in
Traffic and the late months of the year is, we
Passenger believe, attributable to the use of
Revenue ferries and other means of trans¬
portation during the mild fall and
winter of 1948. Ail classes of traffic declined
except the intrastate traffic in New York and
New Jersey, which increased by 404,690 (13%)
to 3,434,970; this increase is ascribed to the
diversion to the Tubes resulting from increases
in the fares of competing transit facilities.
Despite the decrease in the total number of
passengers for the year, passenger revenues in¬
creased $43,367.67 over the 1947 figure, the
major portion of the increase being due to the
20% increase in the one-way and round-trip
joint service fares granted The Pennsylvania