Annual report of Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company

(New York, N.Y. :  Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company  )



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  1950: Page 3  

In Metropolitan Nevf York

extend their lines or modernize to the
extent they should.

Some railroads which serve New Jer¬
sey commuters are in receivers' hands.
Others are on the brink of the same
predicament. Bus lines as a rule charge
as much or more than the railroads to
transport passengers to the City. They
claim they can't make their operations
pay without increased rates. They, of
course, have no right-of-way to maintain,
110 taxes to pay on the right-of-way they
use, and little if any real estate taxes to

The states of New York and New
Jersey, and local communities, have been
forced to spend hundreds of millions of
dollars to provide roadways for cars and
buses. These governmental agencies can't
keep up with the demand for wider and
more highways. Furthermore, the City
cant accommodate the growing number
of automobiles without choking its busi¬
ness sections.

A 10-car subway train during rush
hours carries 1,600 passengers and is
operated by 3 men. It would require 25
buses, with 25 drivers, to carry the same
number of passengers.

Buses during rush hours carry an
average of sixty-five passengers. Auto¬
mobiles, carrying anywhere from one to
six persons in a car, average 1.7 per¬
sons on weekdays and 2.2. on weekends.

The roads over which they run were
built and are paid for out of public
funds. Tolls ranging from 10 cents to
50 cents are charged for use of the
bridges, tunnels and some parkways.
However, no portion of these receipts is
paid to the political sub-divisions which
built the connecting highways without
which these bridges and tunnels could
not be the financial success they are.

It is evident that commuter travel on
rubljer, inherently inefficient and costly,
can never provide an adequate solution
to the mass ti'ansportation problem.

The Pennsylvania Station in New
York cannot now properly accommodate
commuter traffic from either the east or
west. Grand Central Station reached the
saturation point some time ago. The
Hudson Tubes, on the other hand, car¬
ried over 100 million passengers a year
to and from the City in 1929. But by
1950, this had dropped to about 52
million, so your Company has plenty of
room to carry additional passengers.

What is the answer to the problem of
mass transportation in the metropolitan

First, the Governoi's of New^ York
and New Jersey should inaugurate a
study of what needs to be done to coor¬
dinate, extend and modernize the mass
transportation systems in New York and
New Jersey. They should also determine
  1950: Page 3