(New York, N.Y. :
Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company
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1950: Page [12]
Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company 1950 Annual Report
our cars ride more smoothly and quietly
but will reduce maintenance costs.
The new trucks have already been in¬
stalled on 35 Hudson Tubes cars. This
installation work will be speeded up
when space is available in the new car
Multiple Door Control
On October 30, 1950, your Company
put multiple door controls into operation
on all its trains except those operated in
the joint service with the Pennsylvania
Railroad. These controls make it possible
for one or two trainmen to control all
the doors of a train, whereas formerly
one trainman was needed for each car.
Multiple door control in local service
made possible the reduction of our force
of trainmen by 102 men.
Coin Turnstiles
In all of the Company's services ex¬
cept to Newark, tokens are used for the
collection of fares. A basic disadvantage
of the token system is that every passen¬
ger must buy a token at the agent's booth,
causing him delay and inconvenience.
As one means of relieving this condi¬
tion, your Company is experimenting
with various types of turnstiles which will
take a 15^ fare in coins instead of a
token. It is hoped that these devices will
soon be substituted for many of the 106
token turnstiles now in use.
other Improvements
An engineering survey revealed that,
though the present signal system is safe
and is well maintained, it has been in
service so long that the cost of mainte¬
nance has become excessive. Accordingly,
plans have been completed and equip¬
ment ordered for the replacement, over
a period of two years, of the entire sys¬
tem of automatic signals.
Five new air compressors were in-
Control board of the
Hudson Tubes' new in¬
terlocking plant at Hud¬
son Terminal. By pii.sli-
ing three buttons, the
towerman can accom¬
plish a routing opera¬
tion tvhich required
eight moves on the in¬
terlocking system previ¬
ously used.