Report of the board of directors to the stockholders

(New York :  [s.n.],  1913-)



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  1913: Page 19  


The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company


Capital stock, common
Consohdation certificates of 1869

Mortgage, bonded and sbcdeed debt

Funded debt

Mortgage bonds, as per details on capitaUnation page
Collateral trust bonds

Lake Shore collateral

Michigan Central collateral

Debentures and notes
Debenture of 1900
Gold debentures of 1904
Gold debentures of 1912
Three year gold notes of 1911
Three year gold notes of 1912

Equipment trust obligations

Equipment trust certificates of 1907

Equipment trust certificates of 1910

Equipment trust certificates of 1912

Boston & Albany equipment trust certificates of 1912

Equipment trust certificates of 1913


IVIortgages on real estate

Working liabilities

Loans and bills payable

Net traffic, car mileage and per diem balance
Audited vouchers and wages unpaid
Matured dividends, interest and rents unpaid
Matured mortgage, bonded and secured debts unpaid
Working advances due to other companies
Boston & Albany Raihroad Company
Geneva Corning & Southern Railroad Company
West Shore Railroad Company
Wallkiil Valley Railroad Company

Other working liabihties

Accrued liabilities not dub

Dividends declare<l and interest and rents accrued
Taxes accrued

$225,576,166 00

4,900 00   $225,581,066 00

$124,109,000 00


$90,578,400 CO
19,336,000 00      109,914,400 00


$5,-500,000 00
48,000,000 00
9,188,000 00
30,000,000 00
20,000,000 00

$7,142,941 OG
5,207,573 04
6,679,625 40
4,872,000 00
6,028,012 95


112,688,000 00

2,002,600 Oo}/ 378,644,052 46

$44,867,537 75

5,112,172 64

9,236,078 08

4,346,942 59

10,790 00

$3,320,643 07
544,542 92
92,578 54
59,349 37

4,835 60       67,595,470 56

$6,631,947 30
1,424.025 00         8,055,972 30

Deferred credit items
Operating r

Appropriated surplus

Additions to property tlirougli income since June 30, 1907
Invested in sintiing and redemption funds

$5,608,735 49

80,608 04         5,689,343 53

Free surplus

Profit and loss

$698,594,763 93
  1913: Page 19