Report of the board of directors to the stockholders

(New York :  [s.n.],  1913-)



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  1914: Page 5  

The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company
(including lioston & Albany Railroad, for which separate statistics will be found at end of report)



Railway opekations

1 expenses

Net hevendb prom railway operations

1914                       1913

3.773-95 miles operated   3,753-12 miUa oprraled
$112,741,051 22   $122,GS3,S09 35 ■
84,033,105 56       93,414,430 04

20-83 miles

$9,942,758 13
9,381,330 48

Percentage of expenses to i
Railway taxes accrued
Uncollectible railway revenue

Railway opehatiko income

Miscellaneous operations                                    «

ExpenscH mid taxes

Miscellaneous operations loss
Total oPEHATiNti income

Otht-h income
Joint facilities rents
Miscellaneous rents

Net profit from investments in physical ])roperty
Separately ojjerated properties, profit
Dividends on stocks owned
Interest on funded debt owned
Interest on other securities, loans and accounts
Contributions from other companies
Miscellaneous income

Total other income
Gross corporate income

Deductions from fiitoss corporate income
RenlLiIs of leased lim-a
Hire of equipment, debit balance
Joint facilities rents
Miscellaneous rents
Miscellaneous tax accruals
Separately operated properties, loss
Interest on bontls and other long-term debt
Interest on gold notes of 1911 and 1912
Interest on equipment trust certificates
Other interest

Maintenance of investment organization
Income transferred to other companies
St L & A Railway:  rental of leased line
Other deductions

Total deductions from (;ross corporate income
Net corporate income

Dividends declared:  four in 1913; three in 191 f*
Miscellaneous ai'propuiations of income
Surplus for the.year carried to profit and loss

§28,707,945 66

S29.269.:J73 31


8561.427 65




86,162,219 76

$6,356,545 91


$194,326 15

2,S77 49


.52,877 49


S22,542,848 41

822,912.827 40
$2,402 39


$369,978 99

\2,133 67
2,171 65


$268 72

3,449 OS


1.277 43

«37 98

$1,046 69
822,911.780 71

.52,283,363 39

81.008 71


522,542,810 43


.5368.970 28

■S2,436,499 85

8153,136 46


742,449 96

702,493 98

39.955 98


353,033 12

118.074 00

234.959 06


4,895 09


4.895 09


9,115,759 71

12.168.536 78


$3,052,777 07

579,454 50

450,181 03

129.273 47


705,295 97

652,588 69

52.707 28


144,246 27

260,359 34


110,113 07

49,880 18

33.677 84
816,669,275 11
839,581.055 82

88,518.856 66 -

16.202 34


.114,131,514 65


52,537,760 46

$36,674,325 08


52.900.730 74

»8,004,145 48


1514,711 18

557,192 34

1.010.113 05


452,921 31

588,277 20

567.853 29

$20,423 91


792,247 84

714,082 12

78.105 72


84,936 31

38,120 61

40.815 70



39,281 33


39,281 .33

12,263,736 00

10,603,317 10

1,660,418 90


1,125,000 00

2.250.000 00


1,125.000 00

1.434,038 18

1.347.411 57

86.626 61


3,067,430 06

1.170.832 75

1.886,.597 31


1,031 20


1,031 20


31,936 35

07.543 75


35.607 40

10,000 00

10.000 00



35,681 75

84 5S

35,,597 17


827,985.6.52 71

$26,337,497 11

81,648,1.55 30


$8,688,672 37

813.243,5.58 41

.54.554.886 04

S8,458,890 00

811,243,021 25


$2,784,131 25

24,347 Ol'^


824.347 04


.8205,435 33

$2.000,.537 16

81,795,101 83

!i quarterly divultncl :it the n
  1914: Page 5