Annual report of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co.

(Albany :  Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers  )



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  1885: Page 37  


tracks of its four-track system around the city of Syracuse. It was
leased to the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad
Company April 10, 1875, as a legal formality, and subsequently
absorbed under authority of law.

The Junction (Buffalo) Railroad was built by the New York
Central and Hudson Eiver Eailroad Company to connect its
main lines between East Buffalo and North Buffalo. It was leased
April 10, 1875, and absorbed by the New York Central and
Hudson Eiver Eaileoau the same as the Syracuse Junction

The Geneva and Lyons Railroad was built by the New York
Central and Hudson River Railroad to connect Geneva on the
Auburn branch with Lyons on the main line, a distance of fourteen
miles. It will in time be leased and absorbed by the New York
Central ano Hudson River Eailroad.

The Two Hudson Eiver Bridges crossing the Hudson river be¬
tween East Albany and Albany are owned nominally by a separate
organization called the " Hudson Eiver Bridge Company." This
ownership is vested in the New York Central and Hudson River
Railroad Company three-fourths, and the Boston and Albany
Eailroad one-fourth. Except for foot passengers they are used ex¬
clusively for railroad purposes. Each company pays proportionately
for expenses of maintenance and operating.

The Troy Union Railroad Company is a line used jointly by
lines terminating at the city of Troy, and runs into a Union Passenger
Depot. The line was chartered in 1851, and originally owned by the
city of Troy, but was disposed of to the railroad companies — one-
half to the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad,
one-fourth to the Troy and Boston Eailroad, and one-fourth to
the Eensselaer and Saratoga Eailroad. Each company pays its
proportion of maintenance and operating, and runs over it Avith its
own trains.
  1885: Page 37