Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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  1856: Page 6  

Brought forward,................................ $23,067,400 00

Of the Convertible Bonds, not converted as aforesaid, the
amount of $8,500 has been paid by this Company, and the
balance outstanding, $9,700, is now reported as Funded Debt,
under its appropriate head.

Under the act of the Legislature, Chapter 302 of the Laws
of 1855, tbe Capital Stock of the following Companies, whose
respective Roads, as heretofore reported, were held under
lease by this Company, was authorized to be exchanged, at
par, for the like amount of the Capital Stock of this Com¬
pany ; such exchange having been nearly completed, and as
the whole amount will ultimately be exchanged, the entire
Capital Stock of those Companies is added, as follows:

The Rochester and Lake Ontario Railroad Co.,... $150,000 00
"    Bufialo and Niagara Falls           "         "...    565,000 00

"    Lewiston                                     "         "...    400,000 00

---------------1,115,000 00

The amount of the Capital Stock remaining to be ex¬
changed, under the said act, is $2,300 of the Bufl'alo and
Niagara Falls Railroad Company, and $188,000 of the Lewis-
ton Railroad Company.

Total amount of Capital Stock, divided into shares of $100 each, $24,182,400 00

3. The amount of Capital Stock paid in, as by last

Eepoet, .........................................$24,154,860 69

4. The amount op Capital Stock now paid in:

The amount of Capital Stock of this Company now paid in, in¬
cluding the amount of the Convertible Bonds actually con¬
verted, is,............................................ $23,067,400 OO

Carried forward,................................$23,067,400 OO
  1856: Page 6