Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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  1857: Page 6  


Brought forward,................................    $8,892,600 00

Debts of the former Companies composing the line, assumed
by this Company under the fifth Article of the Consolidation
Agi'eement, viz:

The Albany and Schenectady Railroad Company ;

Bond to the Mayor, Aldennen and Commonalty of the city of
Albany, payable July 1st, 18G4, interest at 5 per cent per
annum, payable in the city of Albany, semi-annually, on the 1st
of January and the 1st of July,...............$125,000 00

Bonds of the Company payable as follows:

June 15, 1858,......................   $5,000

July 15, 1859,......................     2,000

July 15, i860,......................     2,000

Interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annu¬
ally, in the city of New-York,................         9,000 00

$134,000 00

The Schenectady and Titoy Railroad Company :

State Stock, issued pursuant to Chapter 299 of the
Laws of 1840, payable July 1st, 1867, interest at
6 per cent per annum, payable in the city of
New-York, semi-annually, on the 1st of January                                _^_

and the Ist of July. The interest on this amount
is to be paid by the city of Troy until the 1st of
March, 1858,..............................    100,000 00

The Rociikster and Syracuse Railroad Company:

State Stock, issued in aid of the construction of
the Auburn and Rochester Railroad, under Chap¬
ter 195 of the Laws of 1840; one-half payable
on 1st of August, 1860; and one-half on 1st of
January, 1861, interest at 5| per cent per an¬
num, payable in the  city of New-York, semi-

Carried forward,........................$234,000 00    $8,892,600 00
  1857: Page 6