Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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  1858: Page 37  



From General Ledger, September 30th, 1858.

Railroad and Equipment,.

n River Bridge Company stock,..

Future Income; Proportion of Debt Certificates. &c., chargi
able to the Income of tlio Compan j, from Sept. 30,185!
to May 1, IHSS,.......................................

irplusboyond $1,000,000,-

Eills Eeoeivable,...........................................

General Post-office Department,............................

Beal Estate; purchased of Buffalo and Niagara Falls B. E. Co

$557,800 00

187,850 00

7,500 00

10,080 00

517 54    Capita! Stock,................................................................   524,182,400 00

Funded Debt Albany and Schenectady E. R. Co.,- |127,000 00
"         "     Schenectady and Ti-oy 11. R, Co.,..,   100,000 00

■'         "     Rochester and Syracuse R. R. Co,,„-     77,383 42

"        "     Buffalo and Rochester B. B. Co.,--     55,300 01
'•        "     Rochester, Lockport and Niagara

Falls R. E. Co.,..................    298,000 00

Bufiklo and Niagaia Palls R. R. Co.,-

Debt Certificates,......................'.........   $8,100,000 00

Bonds for Convertible loan,.....................    3,000,000 00

"          Railroad stocks,......................       785,000 00

"         Real Estate,..........................      200,000 00

"          Funding Debts of old Companies,___    1,256.000 00

Bonds to Buffalo and Niagara Falls E. B, Co.,---        93,000 00

Bond to Telegraph Co.,.........................        10,000 00

Bonds and Mortgages,...........................      254,952 26

Bille Payable,........

Unclaimed Dividends
Trustees of the Syrao

e and Utica R. R. Co.,.

Expenses of operating the Boad ; Balance of Sep¬
tember disbursements, paid in October,........$81,925 01

Coupons and interest; accrued to September 30,,.. 329,269 58

Income account; Balance September 30, 1
  1858: Page 37