Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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Table of Contents

  1859: Page 6  


32.  Length of road,........................

33.  Length of road laid,.....................

34.  Length of double track, including sidings,.,.

35.   Length of branches owned by the Company, laid'i

36.   Length of double track laid on same,..........

37.   Weight of rail, per yard, on main track,.......

38.   Number of engine-houses and shops,..........

Number of engines,........-v^___„..........

Number of 1st class  passeng^  cars" (rated   as

8-whee! cars),...................     ......

Number of 2d class and emigrant passeiig^r cars
(I'ated as 8-wheel cars),................,

Number of baggage, mail and express cars {rate"^
as 8-wheel cars),.........................

Number of freight cars (rated as 8-wheeI cars),.,
Lenglh of main line of road from

to                                                              miles.

/C^li     Mile





(From Chapter 140, Laws of 1850, § 31, No. 39.)
39. "It shall also be the duty of each Corporation to transmit to Iti
State Engineer and Snrveyor the following maps, profiles and drawin"!,
exhibiting the characteristics of their roads: the map to show tbe lengi.
and direction of each straight line, and the length and radius of each curve:
also the point of crossing of each town and county lino, and the lenglh (■:'
line in each town and county, accurately determined by measurement, to l<
taken after the completion of the road. The profile to be on the map, ai'i
shall show the grade line and surface of ground in the usual method, als
the elevation of grades above tides at each change in the inclination thereof
The maps and profile to ho made on a scale of five hundred feet to one-
tenth of a foot; vertical scale of profile to be one hundred feet to one-tentl
of a foot. For all roads or parts of roads, now done or in operation, iti
said maps shall be returned on or before the first of January next;aiiJ
for all roads now in progress, or which may hereafter be constructed, tl;i
said maps and profiles shall be returned within three months after thesamf
or any portion thereof shall be in use."

§ 45. '* Every Corporation shall, within a reasonable time after their rosJ
shall be constructed, cause to be mado: A map and profile thereof, andf
tlic land taken or obtained for the use thereof, and file the same in the ofti«
of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and also like maps of the parts tliereo'
located in difterent couniiej^, and file the same in the ofiices for recovdi":
deeds, in the county in which such parts of said road shall be. Every suc^
map shall be drawn on a scale, and on paper, to be designated by the SWf
Engineer and Surveyor, and certified and signed bv the President or Eof;
neer of such Corporation."
  1859: Page 6