Annual report of the New York Central Railroad Company for the year ending September 30th ...

(Albany, N.Y. :  Weed, Parsons, and Co.,  1857-)



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  1865: Page 6  

Brought forward,................................ $6, 690,119 62

Amount outstanding of the debts of the former companies,
assumed under the Consolidation Agreement...........          100, 000 00

Bonds for funding the principal of the debts assumed for the
former Companies, at consolidation, payable August 1st,
1876, interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-an¬
nually, on 1st February aud August......SI, 780, 000 00

Less in Sinking Fund cancelled,...........        382,000 00

----------------------   1, 398,000 00

Bonds to Stockholders in Buffalo and Kiagara Falls Eailroad
Company, under the lease of that Company's road, payable
May 1st, 1883, interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, on 1st May and November,.. $110, 800 00

Less iu Sinking Fund cancelled,.............      32, 800 00

------------------          78, 000 00

Bonds for Eailroad stock, payable May 1st, 1883, interest at
6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on 1st May
and November,.......................... $817,000 00

Less In Sinking Fund cancelled,.............    183, 000 00

-------------------        634,000 00

Bonds for Eeal Estate purchased, payable May 1st, 1883,
interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
on 1st May and November,................$235,000 00

Less in sinking Fund cancelled...............      70,000 00

------------------       165,000 00

Bonds and Mortgages, for Eeal Estate purchased, with
interest at 7 per cent per annum, e.xcepting $45,550.50,
the interest upon which is at 6 per cent per annum,......       238, 323 15

Carried forward,................................. $9,303,442 77
  1865: Page 6