Annual statistical report

(New York, N.Y. :  The Company,  )



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Balance Sheet


ASSETS                                  Dec. 31.1948           Dec. 31, 1947
Road, equipment, other properties and capital funds:

Riiud........................................................    5   723,048,891       $   714,167,332

Eiiuipmcnt...................................................        36(1,932,304           304,809,380

Depreciation and amortization-road and e<inipmeiil.................   Cr.374,214,932      Cr. 361,086,195

Improvements on leased property................................         Iii8,733,563           126,929,227

Miscellaneous physical property   ................................          51,123,235             31,646,481

Depreciation —miscellaneous physical property......................   Cr.   19,490,668      Cr.   18,300,603

Funds segregated fen- investment in property.......................          16,017,865             15,901,787

$1.088,132.358      $1,033,867,409

Investments and advances, at or below cost:

Alfilialed companies............................................    $   419,009,378       $   416,594,504

Otlicr companies (Note B).......................................   _     47,435,974             47,812,953

$" 466,445,352       $   464.407.457

Current assets;

Cash, special deposits and I iiitcd Slates Govcrnincnl securities........    $      67,433,258      $    101,430,940

Material and .supplies...........................................          64,559.639             56,709,578

Aeeounls receivable, accrued income anil oilier einrent assets.........          56,201,009             56,085,415

.S   188.193.906       $   214.225.933
Other assets:

Insurance deposits and working fund advances.....................    $       2.1 19.337      $       4.066.585

Deferred receivables, prepayments and unadjusted clcljils............            9,338.117             10,174.946

$     11.437.454      $     14,241,531

$ 1,734.249.070      $1,726,742,330

LIABUITIES                                                            "

Capital stock:

Outstanding-6,447.41() .shares witluiut p;u- \alue....................    $   562,332,426      $    562,332,426

Funded debt:

Mortgage bonds...............................................    $   468,612,000       $   470,063,000

Debenture honils..............................................            5,500,000                  5,500,000

Equipment obhsiations..........................................         115,835.760               90,041,040

$   589,947,760       $   565,604,040

Current liabilities  i\otc C)                                                                                           $   125,587.362      $   130,204,245
Deferred liabilities:

Liabihty to affiliated and other lessor companies (Note D).............    $     49,054.501       $      50,173,567

Accrued depreciation on leased property (Note E)....................          73,282.252              72,821,330

Estimated liability for injury and damage claims....................          20.799.631               25,176,509

Insurance reserves.............................................            6.209,594                 6,329,206

Liability to New York State —grade crossing eliminations.............          27,040,621               27,542,848

Other deferred liabilities and unadjusted credits.....................          13,390,984               11,415,924

$   189.777,583      $   193.459,381

Unearned surplus..............................................    $           35.517      $             35,213

Earned surplus - appropnated....................................            7.919-759                 9,479.398

Earned .surplus-unappropriated.................................        278.648,663            265,627,624

$   286.603,939      $   275.142.235^
Contingent items {Note F)

$1,754.249.070      $1,726.742,330
For notes pJeasc see page 22

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