Annual report - The Provident Loan Society of New York

([New York, N.Y.]  Provident Loan Society of New York [etc.],  1895-)



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  1898: Page 28  

28                       the provident loan society.

and the manner of selection of the Trustees and officers of the
Society, and it may contain any other provisions for the manage¬
ment of the property and regulation of the affairs of the Society.
No member or Trustee of the Society shaU receive any compensa.
tion for his services, or any profit other than lawful interest on
money loaned to it, nor shall any member or Trustee be person-
aUy liable for any debt incurred by the Society.

Section 3. Said Society shaU be entitled to act as pawnbroker,
and shaU be subject to and entitled to all the benefits of aU the
provisions of the laws of this State concerning pawnbrokers, ex¬
cept that it shall not be required to obtain a license or file a bond.

Section 4. This Act shaU take effect immediately.
  1898: Page 28