My Life With Goudy 3
don't know the first thing about type; it's the best thing I've ever
done!" But he would go back to work on it, often accepting the
changes suggested, and then bring it to me again with, "Well, how
do you like it now?" And I'd say, "Why, Dad, it's wonderful!"
Dad loved to eat. He'd say, "Now tomorrow, let's have so and
so." We had a lot of dinner parties, and Dad would tell me before¬
hand to have something nice on the table. Afterward he'd say
jokingly, "Well, it's too bad the neighbors had to bring in some¬
thing; Alice wasn't up to it." I enjoyed living with him and Mother.
Mother Goudy was a charming person and made you feel as
though you had always known her. From the first day on, we were
together constantly and had a lot of fun together. We Uked the
same things —travel and birds. I took over the management of the
house and the care of the birds, while she devoted all her time to
typesetting. When she was free, we would take trips to New York
to shop or to see a show. Or we would go to the nearby woods and
collect wild flowers. Or perhaps go shopping for antiques.
One day she heard over the radio that the "Graf Zeppelin" was
going to land at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on her first trip, and said,
"Let's drive down." Dad at first said, "No!" Our new car was only
a week old, and he said he didn't think I'd be able to drive through
all that traffic. He finally talked himself into having to drive us
down. We left the house at ten o'clock at night, and arrived at the
field about two or three hours before the zeppelin was due to
arrive, at five-thirty in the morning. There were hundreds of cars
there. Dad thought it was all so stupid and felt so sorry for himself.
He complained that there was no place to sit except in the car, and
he thought that was dreadful. Unknown to him I had put in a
couple of beach chairs and pillows and a thermos bottle of coffee.
So now I took them out, much to his surprise and delight, and he
sat there in the beach chair just as pleased and comfortable as could
be. On the way home he said, "Aren't you girls glad I brought you
Mother Goudy enjoyed animals and birds, especially birds. We
raised them. We made a sanctuary for them out of our sun porch.