Columbia Library columns (v.2(1952Nov-1953May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.2,no.1(1952:Nov): Page 27  

Other Recent Gifts

Webb, John. Sermon preached . . .
November /y, ni^- Boston, 1772.
^^ Photograph of the Copley
portrait of Dorothy Quincy, one
of the former owners of Mr.
Webb's lecture-sermon before
the General Assembly, November
15, 1772. "^^ Manuscript records
of Rocca Atztica, 17th and i8th
centuries, with printed supple¬
ments of the 19th century—three
manuscript volumes and unbound
printed supplements. Fro7?2 Harry
G. Fried?nan.

PoMPONius Mela. De situ orbis
[1501]. Froi7i Valerien Lada-
Mo car ski.

Fulton Patents. Three manuscript
copies of patents Issued to Robert
Fulton in 1809 and 1811. ^^
[ CoRR Y, John ], Biographical
Me?i7oir of the Illustrious George
Washington. . . . Barnard, Vt.:
Joseph Dix, 1813. Fr0772 Robert E.

Playbill. Manuscript playbill of a
program presented on board the
"Theater Royal," H. M. S.
T'7'ibu72e, as it lay in port at
Chinchu Island (off Lima, Peru)
February 19, i^^-j.FroTiiMargaret
and Richard Bancroft.

JtrvENAL. The Satires of ]uve7ial...
London: Printed for W. Lowndes,
1785, Vol. L ^^ Dionysius
Longinus on the Sublime . .., 5th
ed. Joseph Brown, 1757. From the
personal library of Dean Hawkes.
From John Hawkes.

Great Books. Great Books of the
Wester7i World. Chicago: Ency¬
clopedia    Britannica,    1952-    54

volumes. Founders' edition. From

Willard V. Ki^ig.

Gilbert, Cass. Eleven original
drawings for projects done in
association with the architect Cass
Gilbert and others. ^^ An im¬
posing wall panel of French wal¬
nut, sumptuously carved in the
Georgian taste and incorporating
a barometer. Fro?n W. Francklyn

Baskerville Bible. Printed by John
Baskerville, 1772. Frorji Mrs. Alta
Given Williams.

GuERRA, Giovanni. Album contain¬
ing 134 original drawings by
Giovanni Guerra, 16th-century
Italian painter and architect. Fro?n

Alice a?id Consta72ce Ogden.

Mauclerc, Julien. Traite d^archt-
tecture. Paris, 1648. An extremely
rare work containing plates en¬
graved by Pierre Daret. From J.
J. Klaber.

Berlioz, Hector. Books and manu¬
scripts by and about Hector
Berlioz, including five autograph
letters from the musician and
many others relative to his life.
From Prof. Jacques M. Barzun.

Unko sekkutsu. By Mizuno. Vol¬
umes I, IV, and VII (texts and
plates), continuing a previous gift
of volumes in this set. FroTn the
Bank of Japan through Prof. Carl
S. Shoup.

Architecture. Three original draw¬
ings by Richard Upjohn, and 78
books from the professional li¬
brary of the Upjohn family. Fro?n
Prof. Everard Upjohn.

  v.2,no.1(1952:Nov): Page 27