Columbia Library columns (v.2(1952Nov-1953May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.2,no.1(1952:Nov): Page 32  

3 2                          Activities of The Friends

Henry Morton Robinson"; Apr. 8, John Mason Brown, "The
Reader's G. B. S."; and Apr. 22, Charles Laughton, "An Evening
with Charles Laughton."

The Friends of the Columbia Libraries are interested not only
in the acquiring and care of books, but in their reading, their un¬
derstanding and enjoyment. Accordingly we are glad to cooper¬
ate in this renaissance of what has been almost a lost art.

The Council

WE ARE happy to welcome to the Council two new
members. Frank Altschul is a known executive with
long-standing interest in problems of education, also
a student of international relations, a bibliophile of note, and
owner of the Overbrook Press, which has produced a number of
fine press books, many of which have become collectors' items.
Mrs. Franz Stone, of East Aurora, New York, is a civic leader,
wartime director of the Army Anti-Aircraft Volunteers in Wash¬
ington, D. C. She is deeply interested in library problems and is
bringing to the Friends a wide experience in executive and ad¬
ministrative matters.


Dorothy Canfield Fisher, whose father was librarian at Columbia from
1899 to his death in 1909, is a well-known novelist and critic ... Austin P.
Evans is Professor of History at Columbia, and has had for many years a
close interest in the library and its activities . . . L. S. Alexander Gumby
has devoted a lifetime to his scrapbooks on Negroana.
  v.2,no.1(1952:Nov): Page 32