Columbia Library columns (v.2(1952Nov-1953May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.2,no.2(1953:Feb): Page 16  

16                              Daniel G. Hoffman

Crane, sponsored by The Philistine, a magazine to which he con¬
tributed. Here are letters from io6 literary personages, among
them John Kendrick Bangs, Ambrose Bierce, Bliss Carman,
Richard Harding Davis, Charles Eliot Norton, and the Literary
Editor of the Harvard Lampoon.

Columbia is fortunate to have these rich resources for definitive
research on Crane and the literature of his time. Plans are now
under way to issue a complete descriptive bibliography of this
collection in time for the Bicentennial Celebration of the Univer¬
sity in 1954. The Library hopes that its Friends will help augment
these Crane holdings and thus make this collection the finest of
its kind in the country. While the letters in the present collection,
addressed to the Cranes, mirror the literary life of a whole decade,
Columbia does not have a single letter from Stephen Crane. The
acquisition of additional manuscripts of his verse and fiction would
add greatly to the usefulness of what we already have. And, of
course, any further mementoes of the Crane and Howorth famiUes
will be of greatest usefulness to Crane's next biographers and
  v.2,no.2(1953:Feb): Page 16