Columbia Library columns (v.2(1952Nov-1953May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.2,no.3(1953:May): Page 24  

24                               Roland Baughman

this Italian Renaissance painter, who worked for Pope Sixtus V
in the Vatican Palace. The drawings are mainly sepia wash, and
record Biblical subjects.

1 he Medical Library notes two significant presentations of spe¬
cialized collections. The library of the late Dr. Gaylord Willis
Graves was presented in his memory by Mrs. Graves. Dr. Graves
had instructed in pediatrics at the College of Physicians and Sur¬
geons from 1922 to 1929, and his library, comprising more than
1500 pieces, includes books and pamphlets in his field, as well as
issues of pediatric journals. The library of the late Dr. Aiaximilian
Schulman (P&S 1905) was presented in his memory by Mrs.
Schulman. Included in the gift are 300 bound volumes and 1400
unbound issues of periodicals, principally relating to cardiac and
internal medicine. Of considerable interest are four bound vol¬
umes of notes on lectures at P & S which Dr. Schulman attended
from 1902 to 1905.

In the previous issue of library columns was noted the offer of
Mrs. Laura S. Young to repair or restore one volume annually as
her contribution to the work of the Friends. In the interim. Pro¬
fessor and Mrs. Joseph L. Blau presented to The Libraries a fine
copy of a work by Johannes Baptista Crispins, De Platone Caute
Legendo, printed at Rome in 1594. The copy, which had once
belonged to Archbishop Ussher (i581-1656), was in its original
leather binding, somewhat tattered by the passage of time. This
was the volume selected by iMrs. Young for her restoration work;
it is now reposing in Special Collections, completely refurbished.
A protective case is being made for it and soon this work, repre¬
senting a happy instance of cooperative generosity, will be ready
for scholars to use.
  v.2,no.3(1953:May): Page 24