Columbia Library columns (v.5(1955Nov-1956May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.5,no.3(1956:May): Page 10  

Honor-Books —To Express Appreciation


A N article in the February, 1954, issue of Columbia Library
/-j\ Columns announced a Memorial Book plan by which
A )\ deceased friends and associates might be remembered
with a gift fund to the Columbia Libraries. This would be used for
the purchase of books. The Friends of the Columbia Libraries
commissioned the distinguished calligrapher, Norman Krinsky, to
prepare a specially designed bookplate which can be inserted in
the volumes, inscribed with the name of the person who is being
memorialized. .Many Friends have taken the opportunity to com-
meuMU'ate departed friends in this thoughtful way.

Now, we have an additional plan under which friends, relatives,
or others may be honored on an anniversary or for some other
special reason. It came about in this fashion. A graduate of Co¬
lumbia College, '01, received a unique present for his seventy-fifth
birthday: notification that two of his friends had given funds to
the Libraries for the purchase of books in his honor. Here was a
man who "had everything" —but nothing that he received on that
festive day pleased him more than this tribute to him and to his
Alma Mater. Impressed by the pleasure which rhis gift gave, the
Friends have developed procedures whereby any individual who
would like to do so can make such testimonial gifts. An adaptation
of the handsome Krinsky bookplate has been prepared for use in
these Honor Books.

The procedure for making such gifts to the Libraries parallels
that which has been in effect for Memorial Books. The Friends
will presently receive a leaflet which shows the bookplates. By
filling in the form on rhe back of the leaflet, it will be possible,
when an appropriate occasion arises, to honor a friend with a gift
which will live for years in the hands of those who use the
Columbia Libraries.
  v.5,no.3(1956:May): Page 10