Columbia Library columns (v.6(1956Nov-1957May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.6,no.1(1956:Nov): Page 18  

18                            Sarah Briggs Latimore

AVhen I found that he had also done some lovely illustrations for
magazine stories that had never been reprinted in book form, I
combed magazine files in various libraries and in old book and
magazine stores, experiencing a real thrill each time I discovered a
story which he had illustrated. In tliis connection, I can still re¬

cover design, in colors, for a chocolate box; Cadbur\" Bros., Ltd., 1933

member how excited I was when I discovered one day (while 1
was sitting on an old packing case in a dusty second-hand book
store which has long departed from Fourth Avenue) that he had
drawn pictures for A. A. Milne's story, "The Green Door." The
excitement of that occasion came from the fact that I had not pre¬
viously known that he had ever illustrated anything that iVIilne
had written and had often \\'ondered why, inasmuch as they
seemed to be such perfect foils for each other.

Because Rackham was an Englishman, it was natural that many
of his illustrations would have been printed in F.nglish magazines,
but it was difficult to get any clues as to where they had appeared.
I did however find some in the periodical files of the New York
Public Library and placed standing orders witli dealers in London
  v.6,no.1(1956:Nov): Page 18