Columbia Library columns (v.6(1956Nov-1957May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.6,no.1(1956:Nov): Page 31  

Our Gro'wing Collections


Benjamin gift. AJrs. Harold G. Henderson (Miss iVIary A. Benja¬
min, A.B. 1925B) has presented two letters written by her grand¬
father. Park Benjamin. The letters are to become part of the Park
Benjamin Collection which was established some years ago by his
descendants. One of the letters is an extremely early one, dated at
his law office in Tudor's Building in Boston, February 8, 1834 (?),
and addressed to S. G. Goodrich. The other, to an unknown
recipient, was written near the end of his life and relates to his
lecturing program; it is dated September 19, [1857?].

Blanck gift. Mr. Jacob Blanck presented a notable group of letters
of Curtis Flidden Page who, in the midst of a varied scholarly
career, served as professor in the field of romance languages at
Columbia University during the year 1908-1909.

Brewster gift. I-'rofessor Dorothy Brewster presented a finely
extra-illustrated copy of Reverend Joseph Spence's Anecdotes,

Carter gift. Mrs. Dagny Carter has presented in the memory of
her husband, the late Professor Thomas Francis Carter (ph.d.
1925), a volume which had been in his library, H. Scheibler's
Bogtrykkerkunstens og Avisernes Historic, Kristiania, 1910.

Dick bequest. Through his niece. Miss Martha Dick, the library of
the late Professor Henry K. Dick was presented to Columbia Uni¬
versity. From the larger group a selection of thirty-one rare books
and two manuscripts was made for inclusion in Special Collections.

Dickens' Christinas Carol, iS^^. A beautiful, pristine copy of this
rare classic was presented by a member of the Class of 1916,

  v.6,no.1(1956:Nov): Page 31