Columbia Library columns (v.6(1956Nov-1957May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.6,no.2(1957:Feb): Page 55  

Activities of the Friends

Annual Meeting. The Annual .Meeting of the Friends of the
Columbia Libraries was held in the Rotunda of Low Memorial
Library on the evening of January i6, with August Heckscher,
Chairman of our association, presiding.

During the short business session with which the meeting
opened, Mr. Heckscher said that the terms on the Council of Mrs.
Albert M. Baer, Mrs. Donald F. Hyde, Mr. Valerien Lada-
Mocarski, and himself expired at that meeting. He called upon
Dr. Richard H. Logsdon, a member of the Nominating Commit¬
tee, who reported that the Committee wished to nominate the
same four members for re-election to the Council for the regular
three-year period. Upon motion and second from the floor, they
were unanimously elected to serve until January, i960.

Columbia Library Colmmis receives an award. Mr. Heckscher
said that word had just been received from Mr. Melvin Loos,
iManagcr of the Printing Office of the Columbia University Press,
that the November issue of Columbia Library Columns had been
selected for an award of merit by the jury for the 15th Exhibition
of Printing of the New York Employing Printers Association,
which opened in New York on January 14. The jury chose the
specimen on the basis of its design and its general high quality of
typography, presswork, and binding. The audience expressed its
pleasure with applause.

Presentation of John Erskine's papers. Dr. Logsdon, the Di¬
rector of Libraries, introduced Mrs. Helen Worden Erskine,
widow of Professor John Erskine, who presented to the Univer¬
sity her husband's papers and manuscripts. Included are over two
thousand letters and published and unpublished manuscripts which
were written between his boyhood and the culmination of his
teaching and literary careers. Vice-President Krout, who accepted

  v.6,no.2(1957:Feb): Page 55