Columbia Library columns (v.6(1956Nov-1957May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.6,no.3(1957:May): Page 3  

C O L U i\I N S

The Fortieth Anniversary of
The Pulitzer Prizes

The Pulitzer Prizes were established forty years ago by my grand¬
father in an effort to set a standard of excellence for achievements
in American letters and journalism, music and art. My father, who
succeeded him as editor and publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
carried on the work of the Pulitzer Prizes as an active member of
the Advisory Board on the Pulitzer Prizes and its chairman until
his death. I consider it an honor and a privilege to continue these

On this anniversary, therefore, congratulations are in order for
Columbia University and the University's Trustees for the success¬
ful administration of the prizes for forty years; to the Advisory
Board on the Pulitzer Prizes for its key role in having recommended
every prize winner to the Trustees during these four decades, and
to the judges of the various juries and members of the Columbia
Faculty for the work they have done to maintain and extend the
influence of these awards.

To all these who have served so sclflcssly for an ideal, may I
gratefully extend my thanks.

Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.

  v.6,no.3(1957:May): Page 3