Columbia Library columns (v.6(1956Nov-1957May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.6,no.3(1957:May): Page 47  

Our Growing Collections


Braun-Vogelstein gift. Dr. Julie Braun-Vogelstcin presented a not¬
able collection of books, periodicals and pamphlets in the fields of
sociology, political science, and economics. The collection, num¬
bering about 2500 items, had formed part of the libtary of her late
husband. Dr. Heinrich Braun.

Carnegie Endowmtent gift. The Carnegie Endowment for Inter¬
national Peace has added substantially to its past gifts of its official
but non-current correspondence and documents.

Carson gift. Mrs. Joseph ("arson of Bryn Alawr has presented to
the Avery Architectural Library the original drawing (ca. 1880)
by Addison Hutton for the residence of Mr. J. C". Booth of Haver-
ford, Pennsylvania.

Freeborn gift. Avery Library also reports the teceipt of eight
architectural drawings executed about i860 by the New York
architect, William Naugle, for "Chiddingston," the mansion of
Thomas Streatfield Clarkson at Germantown, New York. The
drawings were presented by the former ow ner of Chiddingston,
Mrs. James Freeborn.

Friedman gifts. Mr. Harry G. Friedman (Ph.D., 1908) has, with
his usual generosity, added several new gifts to the Libraries.
Among these are: Durantis, Rationale dvcinorum officiorum, 1539;
Tasso, La Gienisale??tme Libcrata, 1590; Bernard, Life and death of
James Usher, 1656; Die Gltieckseeligkeit des Christlichen Todes, 1716
Benjamin Disraeli. . .ini/pwards of 100 cartoons from "Pimch," 1878
Langland, The Vision of. . . Piers the Plowman, F.lston Press, 1910

  v.6,no.3(1957:May): Page 47