Columbia Library columns (v.7(1957Nov-1958May))

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  v.7,no.1(1957:Nov): Page 19  

The Otto Rank Collection and Ereud                    19

Otto Rank in the Freudian "Inner (arele" about 1922. Sigmund Ereud, Sandor
I'erenczi, and Hanns Sachs are in the front row; and Otto Rank, Karl Abraham,
iVIa.\ lutingon, and f'rncst Jones are standing behind them. (Photo reprinted with
permission of (n-egor\' Zilboorg).

since neither Rank nor Freud himself had realized it, was the fact
that this paper, on the effect of setting in advance an ending to
psychoanalytic treatment, and on the relation of the ending to the
birth trauma, marked the beginning of Rank's final separation ftom
I'rcudian psychoanalysis both in theory and in practice. The
differentiating effect of the so-called "innovations" Rank was
introducing, combined with his new freedom to practice independ¬
ently in a foreign country for the first time, soon brought him to
full awareness of their growing divergence and of Freud's inability
to acknowledge or understand it, as well as the necessity for Rank
to come to grips w ith the increasing gulf between them. Freud's
letters during this period are touching in their patient kindness and
concern for Rank who had grown ever more necessary to him,
especially now when he was ill and felt his age. For Rank, the
  v.7,no.1(1957:Nov): Page 19