Columbia Library columns (v.7(1957Nov-1958May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.7,no.1(1957:Nov): Page 42  

42                             Our Growing Collections

English of the above with Col. Wilham Brown Meloney's sug¬
gested changes in pencil, and dated May 1921 by him; and finally,
an eleven-page article in English in Mme. Curie's hand, giving her
impressions of America on the occasion of her visit in the Spring
of 192 I to receive the gift of radium.

Pomeroy gift. Aliss Gertrude Pomeroy has presented the unpub¬
lished manuscript diary which her father, Edward Noyes Pomeroy,
kept exactly a century ago, when he served as a common sailor on
a ship which carried a cargo of "deals" from the provinces to Wales.
Edward Noyes Pomeroy was born in Maine in 1836, and attended
Dartmouth and Bowdoin Colleges until his health failed during
his junior year. A sea trip was advised, and he sailed to the British
Isles on the voyage which this diary particularizes. The diary
covers the period from September 17, 1857, to April 2, 1858.

Stechergift. Professor Emma Stecher (a.b., 1925, a.m., 1926) pre¬
sented a collection of nearly 400 books, pamphlets, and periodicals,
mainly in the fields of science fiction and the occult.

Upjohn gift. Through the continued generosity of Professor and
Mrs. Everard Upjohn, Avery Library has received extensive addi¬
tions to its Upjohn Collection dealing with the first three archi¬
tectural generations of the Upjohn family. The present gift includes
the oil portrait of Hobart Upjohn (architect grandson of the de¬
signer of Trinity Church), 27 original drawings, ten books from
the Upjohn library and two documents.
  v.7,no.1(1957:Nov): Page 42