Columbia Library columns (v.7(1957Nov-1958May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.7,no.2(1958:Feb): Page 48  

48                            Activities of the Friends

a university such as this must depend to a considerable extent upon
the support which is given by a dedicated group like the Friends.

The principal address was given by Judge Harold R. Medina of
the United States C'ourt of .Appeals, Second Circuit, who is an
alumnus ofthe Columbia School of Law, a former faculty member
of that school, and a judge who won nationwide attention in 1949
when he presided over the trial of eleven leaders of the American
Communist Party. He took as his theme the inter-relationship of
letters and liberty and spoke with exhilatating eloquence.

Bancroft Award Dinner. For the benefit of our members who
may wish to record the date on their calendar, this year's Bancroft
Dinner is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, April 22. Although
further details will be mailed to our members later, it can be an¬
nounced now that Mr. F. B. Adams, Jr., Director ofthe Pietpont
Alorgan Library, will be the speaker.
  v.7,no.2(1958:Feb): Page 48