Columbia Library columns (v.7(1957Nov-1958May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.7,no.3(1958:May): Page [53]  

President Ciraj'soii Kirk, Air. Ryusaku Tsunoda (fornicr Curator of
the Japanese Collection at Columbia), and Mr. jVIitsuo Tanaka (the
Consul Cicneral of Japan in New York) at the presentation of the
Shigcru Yoshida gift on April 2, 1958.

enterprises of James Stillman's father, Charles Stillman of Browns¬
ville, Texas, who was engaged in shipping and trade, real estate,
and railroad invesrment.

Yoshida gift. On iApril 2, 1958, Mitsuo Tanaka, Japanese Consul
General of New York, presented a letter to President Kirk from
Shigeru Yoshida, former Prime Minister of Japan, in which the
latter offered a gift of 1,000 volumes of Japanese-language ma¬
terials to the Libraries. Mr. Yoshida, who received an honorary
LL.D. degree from Columbia University in 1954, thoughtfully
suggested that the titles be selected by Columbia so that books
specifically needed would become available and that duplication
of materials already in the Libraries could be avoided. A selec¬
tion of titles has already been forwarded by the East Asiatic
Library, where the volumes will be housed.
  v.7,no.3(1958:May): Page [53]