Columbia Library columns (v.7(1957Nov-1958May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.7,no.3(1958:May): Page 55  

Activities of the Friends                           55

cates to iVIr. Thomas J. Wilson, Director of Belknap Press of
Harvard University and to Mr. Henry A. Laughlin, Chairman
of the Board of the Riverside Press of Houghron Mifflin Com¬
pany, the publishers, respectively, of the two award-winning
books. Mr. Frederick B. Adams, Jr., Director of rhe Pierpont
A'lorgan Library, was the principal speaker.

Prior to making the announcement about the Bancroft Awards,
President Kirk lauded the Friends for the constructive and suc¬
cessful activity which they have carried on to broaden interest in
the Libraries and to make possible the enrichment of the collec¬
tions with book and manuscript resources which do not come
within the purview of the Libraries' regular budget. He said that
all at Columbia are aware that this activity is a labor of love
performed by the members of our association because of their
interest in books and in the University.


In accordance with regular practice, we are publishing below
a brief statement with regard to the amount which has been con¬
tributed by the F'riends during the twelve-month period ending
on March 31. During that year $5,463.50 in unrestricted funds
and $15,477.12 for specified purposes were received, making a
total of $20,940.62. Five donors gave $1,000 or more each. The
total cash gifts from the Friends over the past se\'en years now
amount to $133,825.56.

In addition to the monetary gifts, the Friends have during the
year augmented the Libraries' resources for research by present¬
ing rare books, manuscript, and other items which have an esti¬
mated value of $67,791.09. This brings the seven-year total of
such gifts to $223,170.74. (The principal items have been de¬
scribed in "Our Growing Collections.")

The compatative figures for contributions by our members
during the past years is indicated in the following table:
  v.7,no.3(1958:May): Page 55