Columbia Library columns (v.9(1959Nov-1960May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.9,no.2(1960:Feb): Page 46  

Activities of the Friends

Annual Meeting. The Annual .Meeting of the Friends of the
Columbia Libraries was held in the Rotunda of Low Memorial
Library on the evening of .Monday, January i8, ■with .Mr. C.
A^'aller Barrett, Chairman of the association, presiding.

In the short business session, he announced that the terms on the
Council of Mrs. Baer, Mr. Heckscher, Mrs. Hyde, iMr. Lada-
.Mocarski, and Dr. Fackenthal (who was serving on an interim
appointment) would expire at that meeting. He called upon .Mrs.
Stone, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, who reported
that the Committee wished to nominate Mrs. Baer, Mrs. Hyde, and
iMessrs. Heckscher, Fackenthal, and Lada-iMocarski for the three-
year term which ends in January, 1963. Upon motion and second
from the floor, the nominees were unanimously elected.

The Program. A major feature of the evening was the presenta¬
tion by Mark Van Doren of his papers which President Kirk
accepted on behalf of the University, including the manuscript of
his Collected Poems, which won the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry in
1939, and of The Last Days of Lincoln, a play which is scheduled
to be produced on Broadway this year. Prior to his retirement last
June, Professor Van Doren had taught at Columbia for 39 years.

The principal address of the evening was given by Dr. Jacques
Barzun, Dean of Faculties and Provost, who spoke on "The Sig¬
nificance of Literary Papers." He was at one time a student of
iMark Van Doren.

W'e are pleased that both of these speakers gave permission for
the printing of their addresses in this issue of our periodical.

Bancroft Awards Dinner. For the benefit of our members who
may wish to record the date on their calendars, this year's Bancroft
Dinner is to be held on A\'ednesday, April 20. Invitations will be
mailed during the latter part of .March.

  v.9,no.2(1960:Feb): Page 46