Columbia Library columns (v.9(1959Nov-1960May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.9,no.3(1960:May): Page 41  

Our Growing Collections                          41

Jurisprudence, 1959, in five volumes, presented to the Law Library
in memory of Alfred Ely.

Stokes gift. Dr. J. G. Phelps Stokes (1896, M.D.) has presented
two extraordinary cuneiform tablets for addition to the Columbia
collection of these important documents, both in remarkably fine
condition. The earlier of the tablets is a cone bearing 20 lines of
script, written in the time of Libit-Ishtar, King of Babylonia in
2060 B.C. The inscription includes the names of several cities
mentioned in Genesis. The other tablet is a cylinder bearing an
edict by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon from 605 to 562 B.C.,
regarding the rebuilding of the temple of Shamash, the sun-god,
in Larsa.

Weeks gifts. iMiss Mabel Weeks has presented five very desirable
classical works in early editions. The earliest is Facta et dicta of
Valerius Maximus, printed at Venice by Bonetus Locatellus in
1493. Other works in the gift are: Seneca's Tragoediae, Venice,
1505; Plutarch's Vitae, Paris, Jodocus Badius, 1514; Cicero's
Opera, Venice, Giunta, 1534-37 (4 vols.); and Pausanias Histori-
cus', Attica descriptis, Leipzig, 1696.

Wood gift. i\'Ir. Roy U. Wood (1914, .Met. E.) of Scottsdale,
Arizona, has added an important item to his gift which was dis¬
cussed in the February, i960, issue of Library Columns. It is the
very scarce printing of William Faulkner's poem This Earth,
published with drawings by Albert Heckman, New York, Equi¬
nox, 1932.

Young gift. iMrs. Agatha Young has presented the corrected type¬
scripts and galley-proofs of her newly published book. Women
of the Civil War. This makes a notable addition to the increasing
collection of the manuscripts of contemporary authors which is
being assembled at Columbia.
  v.9,no.3(1960:May): Page 41