Columbia Library columns (v.10(1960Nov-1961May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.10,no.1(1960:Nov): Page 33  

Our Growing Collections


A.I.G.A. gift. The American Institute of Graphic Arts continues
its project of making Columbia University the repository of a
definitive file of the award-winning books in the "Fifty Books of
the Year" series. Receipt of the selections of the year 1958 brings
the series virtually up to date, and opens the way for serious
students to observe in a single place the important tendencies in
American book design since 1923.

Anshen gift. As the executor of the estate of the late Professor
Ernest Jackh, Dr. Ruth Nanda Anshen has presented a collection
of his papers to Columbia University. The collection as received
comprises sixteen file boxes and twelve scrapbooks of photo¬
graphs and clippings, and more than fifty letters, dated 1908-
1913, largely concerned with the publication and review of Pro¬
fessor Jackh's voluminous scholarly writings. Much of the mate¬
rial reflects his keen interest in German-Turkish relations and his
expeditions into the Near East.

Bodenheim gift. Miss Addie S. Bodenheim of New York has
generously presented three fine letters written to her by Justice
Benjamin Cardoza (A.B., 1889; A.M., 1890; LL.D. Hon., 1915).

Bonom gift. A year ago we acknowledged in these pages the gift
by Mr. Paul J. Bonom of a fine series of long-playing records
which replaced outworn 78's that had been available to students
in the Music Libiary. Mr. Bonom continues his thoughtful gener¬
osity, most recently presenting some fifty volumes selected from
his library, chiefly relating to art and American history.

  v.10,no.1(1960:Nov): Page 33