Columbia Library columns (v.10(1960Nov-1961May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.10,no.2(1961:Feb): Page 8  

Don Carlos Buell

The siege-battery, above the Landing, that was a part of the "last
line" in the first day's battle when the Confederate advance was
finally halted.

General Sherman's than was General Sherman's to General Tay¬
lor's. However that may be, if General Sherman will turn to the
published accounts of the battle of Shiloh given at the time by eye
witnesses from his own camps, he will be better satisfied with the
"modern descriptions".

If General Sherman really desired to vindicate General Grant,
he has in some respects executed his purpose very poorly; and if
on the contrary he only yielded to an inordinate egotism and itch¬
ing for fame, by inviting more than the liberal praise which has
already been bestowed on him, and above all b\- gratuitously dis¬
paraging the services of others, then he has fallen short of a de¬
portment suited to his official honors.*

The passage in your article to which he takes exception —

'This paragraph was crossed out in pencil on the manuscript, po.ssibly by
someone other than the author. The latter's corrections were made in ink.
  v.10,no.2(1961:Feb): Page 8