Columbia Library columns (v.10(1960Nov-1961May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.10,no.3(1961:May): Page 36  

Our Growing Collections


Barrett gift. Mr. C. Waller Barrett has brought our file of first edi¬
tions of Stephen Ciane's woiks one impoitant step closet to
completion 1)\- presenting a fine copy of the scaice first edition
(1902) of Last Words. Mr. Barrett has also presented two
autographed copies of works b>- Lizette Woodwoith Reese
(Spicewood, 1920, and A Victorian Village, 1929), as well as a
copy of the letteis of Heni)- Adams to Henr\- \'ignaud and
Charles Scribner, which jVIr. Barrett recently published under the
title The Making of History (1959),

B(!rz7/77 g;f(. Dean Jacques Barzun (A.B., 1927; A.M., 1928; Ph.D.,
1932) has presented i29rccords (78RPM) comprising the entire
output of the works of Hector Berlioz that weie lecorded before
the advent of long-playing discs, with the exception of certain
popular short pieces such as the Rdkoczy March and the Dance of
Sylphs. The collection includes two orchestral aiiangcments bv-
Beilioz of works by other composers, nanieh , Rougct de Lisle's
Marseillaise and Weber's Invitation to the Dance. This collection
represents the only paits of Berlioz' works that were available to
the record listener anyw-here in the world before LPs.

Dean Barzun has also presented 59 discs of ceitain important
classical performances, eight of semi-popular music, and six of
populai recordings — all from the 78-RPM era.

Bickerman gift. Professor Elias J, Bickcrman has presented the
Amsterdam, 1764, edition of Montesquieu's Oeuvres in six

Burnham gift. Mr. Alan Burnham (B.S., 1940, Arch.) of Green¬
wich, Connecticut, has presented to Avery Libiaiy eleven original
  v.10,no.3(1961:May): Page 36