Columbia Library columns (v.10(1960Nov-1961May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.10,no.3(1961:May): Page 47  

Activities of the Friends

Bancroft Awards Dinner. On Wednesday, April 19, approx¬
imately 400 membeis of out organization and their guests met for
the culminating event of the academic year — the Bancroft Awards
Dinner which was held in the Rotunda of Low Memorial Libiary.
Mr. August Heckschei, past Chairman of our association, was

Duiing the piogram, President Kirk announced the winners of
the prizes for the two books judged by the Bancroft Prize Jury to
be the best published in the field of American history during i960:
Wilson: A Struggle for Neutrality, ipi^-ipi^,hy Arthur Stanley
Link*, and The Jefferson. Image in the American .Mind, by Merrill
Daniel Peterson. He presented a $3,000 check to each of the
authors, who responded with short addresses, Mr. Heckscher pre¬
sented certificates to Mr, Herbert S. Bailey, Jr., Director of the
Princeton University Press, and to iVIr. Walter Oakley, Vice Pres¬
ident of the Oxford University Press, the publishers, respectively,
of the two award-winning books. The principal speaker for the
occasion was Dr. Gilbert Highet, Anthon Professor of the Latin
Language and Literatuie at Columbia Univetsity, who spoke on
"The Suivival of Records."

The Bancroft Awards Dinner Committee was made up of Mrs.
Francis Henry Lenygon, Chairman, iMrs. Arthur C. Holden, and
Mrs. Albert M. Baer. Dr. John A. Krout, Chairman of the Friends,
participated in welcoming the members and their guests as they

*He won a Bancroft Prize in 1957, too, for his Wilson: The New Freedom.

  v.10,no.3(1961:May): Page 47