Columbia Library columns (v.14(1964Nov-1965May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.14,no.2(1965:Feb): Page 27  

Our Growing Collections



A .I.G.A. gift. The American Institute of Graphic Arts has

Z-j\     presented the volumes comprising "The Fifty Books,

A      )\    1962." These have been added to the complete series,

beginning with those from the first exhibition of books in 1923,

which the Institute has placed at Columbia.

Bancroft gift. Professor Margaret Bancroft (A.M., 1913) has
presented further materials relating to her grandfather. Captain
John Otis Given. To be noted at this time are three letters,
1852-1873; a large number of accounts for various vessels
(Captain Given was engaged in shipping) extending from the
1840's into the 1870's; and three postcards showing views of the
Given home in Bowdoinham, Maine, 1906 and 1945, and of a
dam and factory there.

Barnouw gift. Professor Adriaan J. Barnouw presented a number
of books and manuscripts, among which are several that have
been selected for Special Collections. Of particular interest is a
packet of letters and documents relating to the Frisian freedom
movement during the later years of World War II.

Berol gift. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Berol have added two Arthur
Rackham drawings ("Box-Making" and "Cooperage") to the
magnificent collection of Rackham originals which they have
established at Columbia (the collection now numbers nearly 300
pieces, in addition to some 30 sketch books). As part of their
gift, Mr. and Mrs. Berol included five letters from Rackham to
various correspondents, all relating to his paintings.

  v.14,no.2(1965:Feb): Page 27