Columbia Library columns (v.14(1964Nov-1965May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.14,no.3(1965:May): Page 22  

22                                 Andrew B. Myers

The circumstances of the award to Washington Irving are
explained in the following letter, which also was presented to
Columbia by Miss Kent, and is here first published. It was writ¬
ten to him in England by President William Harris;

Col; CoU; New York April i2th 1821

I have the honor to transmit to you the following Resolution
of the Board of Trustees of Columbia College—

"At a meeting of the Trustees of Col; College on Monday
Feb 5th 1821.—

"Resolved; that the honorary Degree of Master of Arts be
conferred on Washington Irving Esqr and that the President
of the College cause the Diploma to be prepared and trans¬
mitted to Mr. Irving."

Agreeably to the above resolution your Diploma for a De¬
gree of AM has been prepared and is now in the possession of
your Brother John T Irving Esqr—As he was of opinion that
you would not continue in Europe during the Summer, it was
thought most adviseable to leave the Diploma with him until
your pleasure respecting the transmission of it should be

With my best wishes for your health & happiness, and for

the continuance of that success which has hitherto attended

your literary labours I remain your obedient & very humble

Servant                                                 ,,,    tt

Wm Harris

Washington Irving Esqr

This presidential epistle is docketed in Washington Irving's
hand "Wm Harris/Presidenr Columb College/ April 12, 1821/
with Diploma M of Arts." The expatriate author chose to remain
  v.14,no.3(1965:May): Page 22