Columbia Library columns (v.14(1964Nov-1965May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.14,no.3(1965:May): Page 47  

Our Growing Collections



\NTHONY GIFT. Mr. Edward Anthony of New Mil-
/-A ford, Connecticut, has presented the corrected typed
A )\ manuscripts of two of his publications. This Is Where
I Came in and O Rare Don Marquis. With the typescripts Mr.
Anthony included inscribed first editions of the published ver¬

This Is Where I came In is autobiographical in form, but it
contains important chapters on the, 1928 Presidential campaign,
and sidelights on interviews with such varied personalities as
John L. Sullivan, Amy Lowell, Franklin D. and Theodore Roose¬
velt, and General MacArthur. O Rare Don Marquis is Mr. An¬
thony's well-known biography of one of New York's most color¬
ful journalist-authors. Readers of these pages will recall that a
substantial collection of Don Marquis's papers are here, presented
in 1958 by his publisher, Doubleday & Company. Much of Mr.
Anthony's research was accomplished at Columbia.

Barzun gift. Dean Jacques Barzun (A.B., 1927; Ph.D., 1932) has
added most substantially to his earlier gifts. To be recorded at
this time are more than 150 volumes relating to the history of
science. Hector Berlioz, modern literature and the arts, and the
like, including important literary first editions, autograph letters,
and a colored engraving by Cajetan entitled "A Satirical Concert
in 1846," showing Berlioz conducting.

Dean Barzun has also added 17 file boxes of his literary, pro¬
fessional, and personal papers.

Carman gift. Mrs. Harry James Carman has presented the office
files of her late husband (Ph.D., 1919), former Moore Professor

  v.14,no.3(1965:May): Page 47