Columbia Library columns (v.14(1964Nov-1965May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.14,no.3(1965:May): Page 59  

Activities of the Friends


Bancroft Awards Dinner

On Thursday, May 20, approximately 300 members of our or¬
ganization and their guests met for the culminating event of the
academic year — the Bancroft Awards Dinner which was held in
the Rotunda of Low Memorial Library. Mr. Hugh J. Kelly,
Chairman of our association, presided.

During the program. President Grayson Kirk announced the
winners of the prizes for the three books judged by the Bancroft
Prize Jury to be the best pubhshed in 1964 in the fields of
American History, American Diplomacy, and International Re¬
lations of the United States; (for diplomatic history) Bradford
Perkins's Castlereagh and Adams: England and the United States,
1812-182^; (for history) William B. Willcox's Portrait of a
General: Sir Henry Clinton in the War of Independence; and
(for international affairs) Dorothy Borg's The United States
and the Far Eastern Crisis of ip^s-ips^ from the Manchurian
Incident through the Initial Stage of the Undeclared Sino-Japan-
ese War. Each of the authors received a co-equal $4,000 award.

Mr. Kelly presented certificates to Mr. David Hales of the
University of California Press, to iMr. Harding Lemay of Alfred
A. Knopf, Inc., and to Mr. Mark Carroll of the Harvard Univer¬
sity Press — the publishers, respectively, of the three books.

The Bancroft Awards Dinner Committee was made up of
Mrs. Francis Henry Lenygon, Chairman, Mrs. Arthur C. Hol¬
den, Professor Lewis Leary, Dr. Morris H. Saffron, and Mr.
Norman H. Strouse.

  v.14,no.3(1965:May): Page 59